Application KET/2009/0231
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mrs G Mitchell |
Location | 19 Griffin Road, Braybrooke, LE16 8LH |
Ward | Welland |
Parish | |
Proposal | Ash Leafed Maple - reduce height & spread by approximately one third |
Application Type | Notification of Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Case officer | D Law 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 20/04/2009 |
Validation/registration date | 20/04/2009 |
Statutory expiry date | 01/06/2009 |
Target Decision Date | 01/06/2009 |
Decided on | 19/05/2009 |
Decision | No objection |