Application KET/2007/0713
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mr James Smith |
Location | 29 Cranford Road, Burton Latimer, NN15 5LZ |
Ward | Latimer |
Parish | Burton Latimer |
Proposal | Removal of two and a half metres of front boundary wall, laying of hard standing of 6m x 9m in front garden |
Application Type | Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Operations |
Case officer | Duncan Law 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 03/08/2007 |
Validation/registration date | 03/08/2007 |
Statutory expiry date | 28/09/2007 |
Target Decision Date | 28/09/2007 |
Decided on | 05/09/2007 |
Decision | Approved |