Application KE/04/1119/LB
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mr & Mrs M J Percival |
Location | 12 Church Lane, Great Cransley |
Proposal | Demolition of sections of internal partition walls with insertion of oak beams over, lowering of raised floor area and insertion of new windows in lieu of small window and adjacent door. Reformation of door access in lieu of window and infill boarding. |
Reason for Advertising | AB |
Case officer | Mr M Ellison, Tel: 01536 532411 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 15/10/2004 |
Validation/registration date | 15/10/2004 |
Decided on | 08/12/2004 |
Decision | Approved with Conditions (pre 01.01.05) |
Reason for Advertising Key
- A: Affects a Conservation Area
- B: For Listed Building Consent
- C: Affects the Setting of a Listed Building
- D: Major Development
- E: Minor Development
- F: Affects a Public Right of Way
- G: Departure from the Development Plan
- H: Subject To An Environmental Assessment
- J: Affects a Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest
- K: Affects the setting of a Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest
- L: May Affect A Tree Preservation Order
- M: Affects The Character Or Appearance Of A Conservation Area
- A1: Affects the Setting of a Conservation Area
- I: May affect a Tree Preservation Order