Application NK/2024/0338
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Manor Oak Homes & Bletsoes |
Location | Barton Road (land at), Barton Seagrave |
Ward | |
Proposal | Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 58 dwellings, including affordable housing, together with associated public open space, landscaping, vehicle access, highway and engineering works. All matters reserved apart from access |
Application Type | Outline Application |
Case officer | Theresa Nicholl 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 17/06/2024 |
Validation/registration date | 17/06/2024 |
Statutory expiry date | 16/09/2024 |
Neighbours/Consultations sent on | 20/11/2024 |
Expiry date for neighbours/consultations | 04/12/2024 |
Advertised on | 04/07/2024 |
Expiry date for advertisement | 28/07/2024 |
Site Notice displayed on | 03/07/2024 |
Expiry Date for Site Notice | 27/07/2024 |
Target Decision Date | 14/02/2025 |