Application NK/2022/0768
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | National Highways |
Location | High Street (land adj to 54), Church Lane (land to rear of 32), Cranford, NN14 4AA |
Ward | |
Parish | |
Proposal | T2813 Ash - fell at fence height; G14258 3 no. Hawthorn and Elm - fell, all dead; G2814 2 no. Sycamore- dead limb reduce back to live growth, fell dead tree |
Application Type | Notification of Works to Trees in Conservation Areas |
Case officer | Louisa Johnson 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 08/12/2022 |
Validation/registration date | 08/12/2022 |
Statutory expiry date | 19/01/2023 |
Target Decision Date | 19/01/2023 |
Decided on | 19/01/2023 |
Decision | No objection |