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Application NK/2021/0292

Planning Application Details
Field Name Details
Applicant Name Hanwood Park LLP
Location Hanwood Park, Cranford Road, Kettering, NN15 5JL
Ward Queen Eleanor & Buccleuch
Proposal All matters reserved, for the erection of up to 3,383 dwellings including associated schools, district and local centres, hotel, healthcare, leisure, employment, formal and informal open space including play facilities, roads and associated infrastructure
Application Type Outline Application with EIA
Case officer Reddy Nallamilli 01536 534316
Key Dates to Track Application Progress
Event Date
Date received 25/03/2021
Validation/registration date 25/03/2021
Statutory expiry date 15/07/2021
Neighbours/Consultations sent on 21/02/2024
Expiry date for neighbours/consultations 06/03/2024
Advertised on 28/12/2023
Expiry date for advertisement 27/01/2024
Site Notice displayed on 22/12/2023
Expiry Date for Site Notice 15/01/2024
Target Decision Date 22/03/2024

Copyright Notice

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for personal/private use, for example to compare current applications with previous schemes, or to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. You cannot use them, for example, to build from, or to copy from to use as part of your own planning application, unless you have the architect's permission.

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