Application KET/2017/0854
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mr S Bains |
Location | 85A Braybrooke Road, Desborough, NN14 2LJ |
Ward | Loatland |
Parish | |
Proposal | KET/2017/0069 (Single storey front and side extensions, conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation and insertion of windows to front, rear and side elevations): Relocation of garage door, insertion of roof lights and reduction of single storey side extension |
Application Type | Non-Material Amendment |
Case officer | Amy Shepherdson 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Delegated |
Event | Date |
Date received | 25/10/2017 |
Validation/registration date | 25/10/2017 |
Statutory expiry date | 22/11/2017 |
Target Decision Date | 22/11/2017 |
Decided on | 22/11/2017 |
Decision | Approved |