Application KET/2012/0526
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mr & Mrs A Holland |
Location | Plot 8 Greenfields, Braybrooke Road, Braybrooke |
Ward | Welland |
Parish | |
Proposal | Deemed application for retention of a material change of use of the land from a use for agriculture to a use for the stationing and human habitation of caravans, the erection of buildings, the installation of a cess tank, the construction of an area of hardstanding, the carrying out of domestic planting and the erection of close boarded fencing. |
Application Type | Deemed Application From Ground 'A' Enforcement Appeal |
Case officer | Dean Baker 01536 534316 |
Decision level description | Secretary Of State |
Event | Date |
Date received | 14/08/2012 |
Validation/registration date | 14/08/2012 |
Target Decision Date | 14/08/2012 |
Decided on | 14/08/2012 |
Decision |