Application KET/2012/0255
Field Name | Details |
Applicant Name | Mr C Bodsworth |
Location | Braybrooke Road (land to the north), Braybrooke |
Ward | Welland |
Proposal | Agricultural building |
Application Type | Section 73A Retrospective Application |
Case officer | Dean Baker 01536 534316 |
Event | Date |
Date received | 18/04/2012 |
Validation/registration date | 18/04/2012 |
Statutory expiry date | 13/06/2012 |
Neighbours/Consultations sent on | 23/04/2012 |
Expiry date for neighbours/consultations | 14/05/2012 |
Target Decision Date | 13/06/2012 |
Decided on | 27/06/2012 |
Decision | Refused |
Appeal lodged | 15/10/2012 |
Inspectorate reference Nº | APP/L2820/A/12/2180973/NWF |
Appeal decided | 08/02/2013 |
Appeal decision | Appeal Dismissed |